India’s ‘Deep Sea Mission’ Advances: Hydrothermal Vent Discovery Marks a Promising Start

If you are interested in knowing about sea dynamics and discovery, then read this page and learn about India’s ‘Deep Sea Mission’ Advances: Hydrothermal Vent Discovery Marks a Promising Start.

India’s ‘Deep Sea Mission’ Advances

After reaching a significant milestone, the experts say India’s Deep Sea Mission is headed in the right direction. The finding of an operational hydrothermal vent in the Indian Ocean marks a significant milestone, revealing mineral wealth and distinctive ecosystems that highlight the blue economy’s potential.

This is a significant turning point in India’s ambitious Deep Ocean Mission, which is worth Rs 4,000 crore. In order to find minerals, comprehend how the seas contribute to climate change, and develop technical know-how, India’s Deep Sea Mission seeks to explore unexplored ocean depths. Insights into the beginnings of life may be gained by studying extreme life forms, which the mission also makes possible.

If you are interested in learning more about deep sea dynamics and its recent discoveries then this article is for you, keep reading our page and know about India’s ‘Deep Sea Mission’ Advances as the Hydrothermal Vent Discovery Marks a Promising Start.

Hydrothermal Vent Discovery

Indian oceanographers from the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) and the National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR) have taken a historic picture of an active hydrothermal vent in the Indian Ocean. Along the Central Indian Ridge, at a depth of 4,500 meters, the active hydrothermal vent was found.

India's 'Deep Sea Mission' Advances

This milestone establishes India as a major player in deep-sea research, with potential implications for scientific and economic progress. The discovery of a hydrothermal vent marks a promising beginning to India’s deep sea mission. India’s DOM, particularly the mineral exploration-focused Samudrayaan mission, will benefit from this finding.

In addition to providing fresh insights into deep-sea ecosystems and resource possibilities, the results validate previous studies. NCPOR intends to use TV-guided grab sampling to increase exploration in order to better understand the ecological and economic possibilities of these vents.

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What are Hydrothermal Vents?

When cold seawater interacts with magma in tectonically active locations, it becomes superheated (up to 370°C) and emerges as mineral-rich plumes through chimneys or vents, creating hydrothermal vents, which are underwater hot springs.

They arise from the interaction of magma in tectonically active places with cold seafloor water (around 2°C), which may heat up to 370°C. Through vent chimneys and fractures, plumes of mineral-and gas-rich superheated water erupt.

The deposits of precious metals and minerals, such as gold, silver, copper, platinum, nickel, zinc, and so on, make hydrothermal vents important. These deposits are important from an economic and scientific standpoint since they can continue to be active for hundreds to thousands of years.

Hydrothermal vents are home to living forms that do not require sunshine, in addition to the potential for rare minerals. These creatures use chemosynthesis instead, which turns inorganic substances into energy.

More about ‘Deep Sea Mission’

A program called Deep Sea Mission, or DOM, aims to investigate the deep ocean and create technology to utilize its resources. Enhancing knowledge of the ocean’s involvement in climate change and creating technology to utilize its living and non-living resources are its goals.

In order to support international initiatives for sustainable ocean resource management, DOM seeks to establish India as a leader in ocean research and technology. As the lead ministry to oversee this multi-institutional endeavor, MoES is supporting India’s Blue Economy ambitions through this mission-mode project.


The Deep Ocean Mission’s primary goal is to investigate and use the deep ocean’s resources. Taking pictures of hydrothermal vents helps India’s Deep Ocean Mission by revealing deposits rich in minerals and distinctive microbial populations. It advances India’s Blue Economy efforts and helps to comprehend the deep-sea environment.

The finding is anticipated to boost confidence and open the door for more expeditions as it demonstrates India’s increasing competence in marine exploration. “The discovery gives scientists more confidence to keep exploring and validates the investment in the blue economy,” Meloth said. The expedition is a significant step in understanding the complexities of marine ecosystems and harnessing their potential for the benefit of future generations, especially given India’s continuous expenditures in deep-sea capabilities.

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